So this last weekend we agreed to dog sit for my sister in law who was going wine tasting with her husband and some friends. They planned to stay overnight at McMenamin's in McMinnville after touring many wineries in the Willamete Valley.
So, "would you also watch our friends' dog?" they asked. "SURE! WHY NOT?" we said. (Both DINK couples have no kids, except for their French Bulldogs Ella and Stoli who are treated like royalty).
Shortly after the couples left, Stoli wanders down to the basement playroom and proceeds to take a giant poo on our light beige carpet. Not just any poo, mind you--DIARRHEA dog poo.
My sweetie husband cleans it up, the kids build a barrier to the basement, and we go on our merry way.
The three dogs (including our own) proceed to play all day, got TWO walks to the park where bathroom stops were made, and were also let out before bed. At night the Frenchies slept on their fluffy (nicer than my own) blankets at the bottom of my bed. My son later crawled into the bed with his asthma medicine as well.
All night long Stoli was letting the NASTIEST dog farts EVER!!! At one point Ella even jumped off the bed to try to get away from it.
At about 6:00 in the morning I awoke to Stoli standing by the door of my room--below her a puddle of black tar diarrhea poo. I jumped up, rushed her to the front lawn, and watched her poo all over my yard.
Back upstairs I began to grudgingly try to wipe up the mess that will surely be a permanent part of my bedroom now. My son wakes up and says, "What is all this?" "The stupid dog poo'd on the rug and I'm trying to clean it up." I say.
He says,"No, I mean THIS?"
I jump up to look at where he is pointing, and see...
YOU GOT IT--HUGE PUDDLES OF DOG POO ALL OVER MY BED! Not just that, it was all over MY SON! It was all over HIS MEDICINE! It was all over THE BLANKETS! It was all over EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The thing is, how does a person sleep through being poo'd on? I'm just saying.)
Needless to say it took us hours upon hours to clean up the mess. My son had to take two showers, I had to toss his medicine, I needed to wash my bedding two times AFTER pre-treating, we had to scrub out the blankets and wash them, and of course there was the attempts to scrub out the black tar from the carpet that will never be the same.
Good times, people. Good times!!
1 comment:
OMG! Sounds pretty hellish. Don't you just love a day spent cleaning when you had planned to do something else, like have fun!
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